Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Shlomo Blass' Piece on His Father

Shlomo Blass is a journalist and here he describes his father's injury, the police behavior at Amona and his thoughts.

An excerpt:-

Just as our conversation ended, a 16-year-old, seeing my press card, approached me.

"I just want to let you know that I volunteer in the civil guard, but I am leaving my volunteer card here on this hill."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"I saw a policeman purposely club a 12-year-old boy on his kneecap. I understand that some force is required to get control of the situation here. But that was just plain, gratuitous cruelty. He's a little squirt. The policeman could have easily just picked him up and carried him away."

I finally found my father walking out of one of the tents, where he had been examined by a doctor. He held an ice pack to a bump on his head the size of my fist. He described how he and a group of adults had been standing outside one of the houses when the policemen rammed into them without warning.

A European journalist, standing nearby, overheard our conversation and could not help but ask my father, "They beat you on the head - an adult with a white beard and all?"

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