Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Zindel Zaps Us

Professor Oren Zindel of the Technion-IIT sent out this letter that is making the rounds.

And if I do say so, it reads rather robust.


Dear family and friends,

A rocket with 140 kg of nails, ball bearings, and just plain TNT explosive, landed 15 minutes ago on the slope of the Carmel Nature Preserve, just across the valley from our home (no more than 500 meters as the crow flies from us). The blast, its explosive hot air wave, and the terrific noise, jarred both Chanita and me to our bones even in our basement bomb shelter, although, thank God, we are OK. I can still see the plume of smoke rising from the site where the rocket landed. Up to now, over 40 such rockets have landed today in various parts of Haifa, with casualties and severe property damage. A military target? Rubbish!! A pure civilian target, no ifs ands or buts!

Why am I even mentioning this to you? So many houses in northern Israel have been ground to rubble by thousands of rockets? Because it is MY HOME ! Because I feel that we have been violated. We have done nothing to provoke our murder (yes, that is the correct word) by religious, 10th century, fanatics! Because I am not a blood-thirsty war-monger as Israelis are portrayed by most of the European press, and much of the American press (the NY Times for example). Because I would like to take my children and grandchildren to the beaches of Beirut, to the pyramids of Egypt, to the fountains of Damascus, and the beauty of Petra in Jordan, but I cannot because my grandchildren and I are in serious danger of being killed, kidnapped, beheaded, and otherwise molested by crazy, fanatic, wild-eyed, religious fundamentalists, who see us (can you imagine?) as a danger to the world.

We are being attacked now for no reason whatsoever! We have not antagonized the Lebanese, or even the Hizbollah. We did not trespass on Lebanese territory and abduct Lebanese citizens. We love life, love our children, love our fellow Israelis, and mankind in general. We, the civilian population of Israel, is being savagely attacked by Hizbollah.

We do not blow up airplanes in mid-air, we do not crash airplanes into buildings, we do not attack mosques, we do not attack Arab or Moslem cultural centers, we do not attack US and French army barracks with trucks filled with explosives, we don't hijack airplanes or cruise ships (as well as throwing old men on wheelchairs into the sea), and we do not murder Olympic athletes. We do not blow up cars in Paris, the underground in London, discotheques in Bali, Hindu shrines in India, children in schools in Russia, or train stations in Madrid. We do not behead US reporters, we do not hold hostage members of a USA embassy for over a year, we do not blow up hotels in Nairobi, we do not murder a presidential candidate in Los Angeles, we do not go into a Moslem Cultural Center in Seattle and kill five elderly women because they are Moslems, we do not enter a hotel where 250 Moslems are celebrating a major religious holiday and kill over 70 (mostly old men and women), we do not send our children to shihad heaven strapped with 20 kg of explosives and praying to God for the ministrations of seventy virgins (we prefer that they meet one virgin and marry her and bring us grandchildren!), we do not threaten, with excruciating death, authors who dare to write a book about our faith, we do not threaten to behead the editor of any newspaper who dares to print a caricature we do not appreciate….etc etc.

This list is endless because we don't even know all the acts perpetrated, and carried out, by these people, all on this earth, in plain view, and with little care or notice by many of the "enlightened" people who carry the banner of human values, democratic ideals, and principles of truth and justice. This is in face of the relatively short time since similar atrocities were carried out in plain view (Nazi Germany, the Ibos in Nigeria, the Christians in Darfur, the blacks in Angola, the Armenians in Turkey, the Moslems in former Yugoslavia, etc) and the world did nothing until it was almost too late, and in some cases was too late.

Just remember, all the above was done by Moslem fundamentalists in the name of Allah, against infidels, whether they be Jewish, Christian, Hindu, or atheists, all just because they are not devout Moslems. How can the world tolerate this??? How can the oppressed and the attacked be labeled aggressors? How can world humanitarian agencies be afraid of the threats to them if they dare stand up to the leaders of world terror?

Finally, and most important, how can the decent Moslems on this earth allow their beautiful religion to be hijacked by fanatical and insane fundamentalists?? Did fear of their own extremist religious leaders cause them to leave their home countries for a better life in the West? Did they leave because they wanted their children to be taught sciences and arts and not be forced to learn religious fanaticism in the madrasses? Well, they now have to stand up and be counted, otherwise they not only will suffer together with their adopted countries, but as the problems and terror acts become more severe, they will be (in most cases wrongly) made to suffer the indignity of interrogations, detention camps, or prison.

Wake up world! We are at a point reminiscent of the infamous agreement that Neville Chamberlain signed with Hitler in 1938. Action must be taken NOW. The countries of the world must make every effort not to be lulled by slick words and oily propaganda, and come out strongly against this real threat to our existence, our values, our principles, and our future.

Best wishes,


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