Friday, September 01, 2006

Is Appeasement Back in Vogue?

Well, Iran goes one way and the West, it appears, reverts to appeasement.


After 1936, Hitler reintroduced conscription.

He then tested his army during the Spanish Civil War.

Britain and France turned a blind eye to these breaches of the Treaty of Versailles.

In 1936, Hitler moved his troops into the Rhineland.

France did nothing to stop this breach of the Versailles Treaty.

In 1938, he continued. He invaded Austria and pronounced an 'Anschluss'. This, too broke the Treaty of Versailles.

France and Britain, again, did nothing.

Also that year, Hitler incited the Sudeten Nazis in Czechoslovakia to cause troubleand demanded union.

At Munich, on September 29, Britain and France awarded Germany the Sudetenland.

And you remember him, yes?

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