Wednesday, February 07, 2007

But How Can You Tell the Difference?

Foreign Minister Tzippi Livni is asked at today's press conference:-

Could you tell us if you are for or against negotiations with the Palestinians subject to implementation of the phases of the Roadmap?
FM Livni: I believe in creating a very clear distinction between moderate and extremist groups in the Palestinian Authority, and these two issues must run in parallel. On the one hand, it is important and advisable to continue Israeli and international pressure on the Authority. We saw this in the Quartet's recent announcement that the terms demanded by the international community from every Palestinian government must remain intact, and this pressure will continue. On the other hand we have to create a process with the moderate group so as to ascertain what can be achieved, enabling Israel to present its demands. These should include security and other needs which are linked to the progress in any peace process.

I am talking of complete separation between discussion or dialogue on the one hand, and authorization and implementation on the other. The Roadmap speaks of authorization and implementation in phases, the first of which, of course, is the requirement to wage war on terror and the disarmament of the terrorist organizations. This does not prevent us from meeting and attempting to ascertain what each party would like to see in the future. But we must distinguish between discussions, concessions, and actual implementation. That is why I feel it is important to progress with the discussions while ensuring that the implementation on the ground will be in accordance with the principles laid down in the Roadmap, which, in the first phase, express Israel's security requirements.

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