Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Blindness and Chronic Stupidty of Israeli Leaders

Just received this notice:-

The latest ACPR Policy Paper (No. 175) is now available (in Hebrew), FAILURE OF THE STRATEGY OF PEACE AND SECURITY by Aharon Levran.

Below is a summary.

Israeli conduct in the two areas fundamental to its existence – peace and security – has suffered for a long time now from blindness, groundlessness and chronic stupidity. The failure stems from most politicians’ lack of understanding and internalization of the three fundamental conditions of the conflict, which are: A. It is not similar to a conflict in terms of its depth and scope and it is not about territory leading to the insurmountable difficulty to resolve it; B. The enormous differences in approach that exist between the parties regarding the conflict and the nature of national life that ultimately lead to a resolute and principled refusal to come to terms with Jewish sovereignty in the Middle East expanse on the one hand and a failure to establish common ground in terms of language, values and culture on the other; C. The basic strategic situation – the few versus the hostile many, which instills an almost deterministic hope that ultimately the many will overcome the few.

...Peace is not exactly a “commodity” current in the Arab world...even today the Palestinians are unwilling to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Thus, talk about the “conclusion and finality of the conflict” is without basis.

One of the most conspicuous Israeli political mistakes is its hesitation to implement force and the loss of its will to win...The “fatigue from winning” (Olmert) has dominated the masses and the predominant mantra is terrorism cannot be vanquished and a political solution is essential as if the few against the many always have an option of that sort...

...A Palestinian State will not only constitute a reward for terrorism that emerged victorious but also will ensure that we will never have a secure future. The hopes placed in the “moderate”, impotent Abu Mazen as a partner are an act of foolishness.

An additional colossal error in Israeli policy was the “disengagement”...It was an empty and strategically futile course of action bordering on historic crime...

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