Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Watch Out Lauren, Israelis Do Funny Things With Phones

Lauren Booth, a half-sister of Cherie Blair and therefore a sister-in-law of Middle East EU peace maker, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, was quoted as describing Gaza as "the largest concentration camp in the world today".

Stuck in Gaza, she uses the cellphone a lot:

However, this juxtaposition I found so indictaive of the idiocy of her political leanings:

The nice smiling gentleman in the poster on the left is Sheikh Yassin.


Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Founder of Hamas.

Can you recognize him now?

So, there goes Booth, blithely promoting good will under the gaze of the person who sought to continue the work of Hitler and others and to turn Israel not into a concentration camp but into a crematorium.

Given Israeli propensity for eliminating enemies via explosive charges planted in cellphones (*), should Lauren be more careful?

Naw. Israel gets rough only with real dangerous people, not fools.



Ayyash was assassinated by the Israeli Shabak in 1996. Shabak tricked a friend of Ayyash's into giving him a bomb-laden cell phone. When Ayyash used it, Shabak detonated it, killing him instantly.

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