Sunday, October 05, 2008

Another False Prophet

Gideon Levy of Haaretz declares:

With neither sorrow nor grief it may be announced: The Israeli right is dead. After long and difficult death throes it has finally and laudably come to its end.

Which reminded me of:-

God is dead. [Gott ist tot]

(Signed) Nietzsche

Nietzsche is dead.

(Signed) God

And so the deprecation continues, for the Left in Israel is but a vulture seeking to feed on the dead.

But there is yet hope for Levy also writes:-

The radical left, in whose voice the prime minister now speaks, was correct and predicted the truth. To most of the public it has become clear that no peace will be attained that is not based on the outlines sketched in an ad placed by the Matzpen movement in September 1967. That is how far we have come. But in Israeli society's ideological vacuum, the death of the right does not herald the flourishing of the left. It, too, expired a long time ago.

I feel so much better now.

1 comment:

Yechiel said...

Of course, what Levy doesn't say is that no peace will be attained that is based on those outlines, either.