Tuesday, July 21, 2009

She's All Wet

Carole C. Burnett is an Eastern Orthodox Christian living in Silver Spring, Maryland who graduated in 1988 from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, and taught there briefly. She may have contributed $700 to Obama's campaign. She supports divestment as an effective measure to offset Israel's policies.

Here she is:

She, it would seem, has a letter-to-the-editor in the Washington Post, Water Grab in the West Bank and mentions that

...water resources are being diverted from Palestinian towns into settlements and that this theft can only increase as consumption within the settlements increases. On average, one settler uses five times as much water as one Palestinian in the West Bank. As settlers pour copious quantities of water on their emerald lawns, nearby Palestinian families often encounter dry faucets, forcing them to purchase water -- water that is sometimes delivered in unsanitary containers, causing illness...In addition to this diversion of water, the settlers are polluting Palestinian agricultural lands by dumping garbage and industrial waste...

What's wrong with this?

Well, in the most basic way, according to Ms. Burnett, any growth in population is problematic. If so, and if there is a water scarcity, and there is, that must be solved since I presume should would want the Arab populace to grow.

Secondly, that figure of 5:1, even if correct, is based on the fact that the Jewish population, as I once said on air in a debate with Amiram Goldblum of Peace Now some 20 years ago, employs more machines (dishwashers, washing machines, etc.) on the average than the Arab population. I even think we take more showers and at many communities we have swimming pools. Although we do have less livestock that drinks water, I don't have exact figures for the water consumption. As for agriculture, we have introduced hi-tech water drip systems, mini-hothouse systems, etc. So Ms. Burnett really doesn't know much except the propaganda she is fed.

I have blogged about the fact that the Pals. refuse to cooperate or coordinate water-treating projects for waste with Jewish communities so it is their fault more progress is not made (another story here). In addition, Pals. literally steal water, some of it their own water from themselves, as has been proven especially in the Hebron area by hooking into pipes illegally and using copious amounts of water without paying. And their water pipe infrastructure is, literally, full of holes.

As for sewerage, try this Gaza tale.

In short, the facts are not all the facts and neither are the facts facts.

And the major issue is that if the Pals. get a state, they will cut off Israel's water, over one-thrid of which comes from the underground acquifers located in Samaria. See this
and look at this:

and she should see this book.


and at second comment on the Post site

Does the WaPo print any lie that besmirches Israel? Carole Burnett repeats the canard of Israelis using five times more water than Palestinians. A study, "Water for the Future," by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences along with their Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli counterparts ten years ago, found little difference between water consumption in Israeli and Palestinian urban areas. “Per capita water use for urban Palestinians reaches a maximum of 100 cubic meters a year, similar to Israeli use.” The study suggests that low figures for rural Palestinians “is likely to increase with improvement in the level of living.” More telling, however, is the report’s finding that “water losses unaccounted for [theft of leaks] in the [Palestinian] distribution network” reach 55 percent[!]

Lastly, all modern, developed 21st century societies use much more water than developing societies. “The United States and Canada are the highest per capita water users in the world,” according to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, “…per person usage is more than 2.5 times that in Asia or Europe, and over six times that in Africa.” Cross the border into Mexico and per capita water usage drops by two-thirds.

7/21/2009 12:39:16 AM

1 comment:

yoni said...

"I... think we take more showers"

lol! lucky i'm not writing this blog, i would have rested my case right there. :)