Friday, October 16, 2009

A Cohen Demands: 'Israel Must Change'

It's Roger Cohen again.

After his Iran "success", just kidding, he now trains his pen on Israel and he wants an Ordinary Israel:--

...More than 60 years after the creation of the modern state, Israel has no established borders, no constitution, no peace. Born from exceptional horror, the Holocaust, it has found normality elusive.

The anxiety of the diaspora Jews has ceded not to tranquility but to another anxiety. The escape from walls has birthed new walls. The annihilation psychosis has not disappeared but taken new form.

For all Israel’s successes — it is the most open, creative and dynamic society in the region — this is a gnawing failure. Can anything be done about it?

Perhaps a good place to start that inquiry is by noting that Israel does not see itself as normal. Rather it lives in a perpetual state of exceptionalism...I worry when Israel makes a fetish of its exceptional status...The Holocaust...happened 65 years ago...A Holocaust prism may be distorting...

...Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech [was] facile, resonant — and unhelpful...Some of Israel’s enemies contest its very existence, however powerless they are to end it...

...I think President Obama, himself talking down American exceptionalism, is trying to nudge Israel toward a more prosaic, realistic self-image. I’ve long argued, Iran makes rational decisions. Rather than invoking the Holocaust — a distraction — Israel should view Iran coolly, understand the hesitancy of Tehran’s nuclear brinksmanship, and see how it can gain from U.S.-led diplomacy.

...Goldstone is a measured man — I’ve known him a long time. The Israeli response to his findings strikes me as an example of the blinding effect of exceptionalism unbound. Ordinary nations have failings.

The Middle East has changed. So must Israel. “Never again” is a necessary but altogether inadequate way of dealing with the modern world.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Blogosphere, this is claptrap, unadulterated misrepresentation of reality, misreading of history, lacking in facts and more wishful thinking.

To be true, Jews consider themselves not 'exceptional', that has a twang of antisemitism portrayal to it, but as an Am Segula.

One observer notes:

Am Segula, often translated as "treasured nation." But whether understood as chosen or as treasured, it seems to be frequently misunderstood.

It does not imply supremacy or arrogance. Rather, it embraces the idea of service. As Israel is a mamlechet kohanim, a nation of priests, Israel is a kohein, or holy servant, to the other nations on Earth.

A Bnei Akiva resource site has a short collection of material here.

Actually, a bit of abnormality is quite normal.

Look at Cohen. He's abnormal as can be.


Nachum said...

Here's what I posted to the NY Times site:


You know what? Israel is exceptional. So is the United States. Messrs. Cohen and Obama are simply wrong- there are nations out there that are different than others.

Simply by writing this article and not, say, on the millions killed in the Congo, Mr. Cohen proves the point. Simply by having all these special ambassadors to Israel and not, say, to China, so does Mr. Obama. Simply by appointing Mr. Goldstone here and not, say, to Lichtenstein, the UN does the same.

Of course, exceptionalism means much more than definition by one's opponents. It's inherent. And if Mr. Cohen wishes to deny this, he's the one living in a fantasy world, not Israelis (or Americans)."

Anonymous said...

"a nation of priests, Israel is a kohein, or holy servant, to the other nations on Earth."
Wow, pretty bold statement taking into account Israel seems only concerned with preserving itself. Of all the nations on earth, I know not one as inwardly focussed as Israel.
What is one thing Israel has done to servant-lead other nations in spiritual matters... let alone social, political or moral? Certainly in developing an economy and amazing progressive society, it is a model... but what about where you live... how often do you get water? 24/7? And the Palestinians a few KM down the road? Servanthood, I think not.

God's idea in the Old Testament was for the Temple to attract the nations, because of their reputation for wisdom, servanthood, and God's blessing. Their place was the Outer Court, where foreigners could worship. That Outer Court was filled in Jesus time with those more interested in ripping off the visiting foreigners by charging exorbitant rates in money exchange, and selling animals for sacrifice at high prices, to those they were supposed to invite in to worship. The focus was on serving themselves, instead of serving the nations. That's why Jesus ran them out with a whip. What has changed exactly...?
The idea of servant leadership was modeled by Jesus in the New Testament. "Whomever among you wants to be first, must be last, whomever wishes to be the greatest must be the servant of all" "Love your neighbor as yourself"
Again I ask, why did God allow the diasporas of old... didn't he promise to punish when Israel did not obey the covenant?
Is Israel doing any better today? I implore you, do not look around and blame the nations around you for the troubles Israel has, if you indeed beleive in the covenants, look first to yourself for what must change. The Messiah has come, relationship with him is the way to peace.

YMedad said...

He writes "Israel seems only concerned with preserving itself. Of all the nations on earth, I know not one as inwardly focussed as Israel.
What is one thing Israel has done to servant-lead other nations in spiritual matters..."

No other country cares for others like Israel, starting from non-Jewish refugees from Arab countries, to medical and hi-tech advances, etc. And as for spirituality, unlike Rome, or other "spiritual centers', Jerusalem shines forth with many research projects, study centers, institutions of educational projects, etc.

What are you talking about?

Dale said...

Name calling? My father always said people who resort to name calling have been stumped, and have nothing further to contribute.
Nachum needs to get some more categories for people in the world. Seems like there's 'Zionist' or 'Anti-Semite' in his mind. Sounds alot like the Muslim bei al harb (kufar) and beit al Islam (believers).
Don't you know not everyone who criticizes the state of Israel or supports equality and peace for Muslims and Christians is anti-Jewish?

Dale said...

"No other country cares for others like Israel, starting from non-Jewish refugees from Arab countries"
Um... can I come and get a residence permit as an evangelical wanting to serve? How about my former Muslim, now Christian Arab friends...? Israel has created so many refugees, I can't even believe you try to make a case for this. If you're that great, let some of the Palestinians back in.

I notice you didn't address the Outer Court issue, the water example (how much water DO YOU PERSONALLY get at your house vs. the Arab villages in the West Bank), or the covenant issues. Comments welcome there as to how that supports your case.

Are you really trying to get across that Israel is a bastion of spiritual servant leadership? Lead the way to peace then. True leaders serve, and look first to the interests of others. What's that, you can't unclench the iron fist? Comparing yourself to Rome is quite appropriate in this instance. Come on.

What about for example, the well documented persecution of Messianic believers in Israel? Try this:

or this:

And this... take the time to watch the whole thing...

YMedad said...

a) as for evangelicals, there are more than enough already in the country. assistance to Israel is welcomed, but trying to get Jews to change their religion is a bit chutzpadik.

b) Arabs are refugees because they tried to kill Jews, attempted to make Jews refugees and prevent the state of Israel being establishment.

grow up with your false humanism.

Dale said...

Ah more insults. Again, when stumped by evidence that you may be wrong, resort to name calling and insults, instead of a polite exchange of perspectives. Sorry, not going to stoop.

You don't apply your own stick fairly. There is little religious freedom in Israel.. just like there's not in many Muslim countries. You are free, as long as you accept the status quo, and don't have an opinion (religious or otherwise) different from the State opinion. You think it wrong that Muslims stand in the way of temple worship, and inhabit the land of your fathers i.e. your obedience to God. But when Christians and Muslims want to obey God by telling others good news, or praying on the mount... you don't want to give them 'the right'. You're no better than those you hate in upholding such a standard.
America (with all it's faults) is a much better example of spiritual leadership than Israel has ever been... and it still has a long way to go.

Yes, many Evangelicals want to show you as Jews that Messiah has come. We don't want you to change your religion... we want you to know salvation through your Messiah, and see his fulfillment of hundreds of your prophecies. In the least, we'd like you to allow others (even Muslims) the freedom to worship without restriction. That's Christianity, many of us actually practice what we believe, and actually think we should do what God says (i.e. telling and showing others).

All the Arabs in Israel in 1948 tried to kill Jews? Come on. Homes were taken by force, and people were corralled in many circumstances, though not all. The idea was for their to be coexistence. The world powers at the time didn't imagine the scenario we have now...

Did you watch the whole video by the way? I especially like the yelling, cursing Orthodox and the Jew terrorists that set fire to a Christian homeless shelter! And your fair, model of a government didn't bother prosecute anyone.

And what about your water situation... the covenants, the outer court... no comment? Your silence on these issues seems to be telling me I have a point.

YMedad said...

Insults? what insults? i think you may have to consider the possibility that you are an insult to the intelligence of my readers. i listed facts.

Dale said...

'Grow up' 'anti-Semite' 'false humanist' Those are what I take offense to. degrading comments all, and not productive.
Certainly apologize if I've 'insulted the intelligence of your readers' but I wouldn't want to just tacitly agree with everything stated. People are intelligent enough usually to come to understanding of truth by examining opposing viewpoints. Your statements in this article were so ridiculous, I just couldn't stand by and let my intelligence be insulted.
You state opinion and interpretation, not just facts. And then, only facts which support your case. You make claims which are unsupported when viewing the whole picture.

Fact: (n) a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened.

You seem thoroughly confused.
How about the 'facts' and interpretation I propose... the video (still don't want to comment?), christian persecution, discrimination of everyone non-Jewish in Israel? You still haven't answered the WATER question, the covenants, where is the outer court? Spiritual leadership?

Chris M said...

Current trends seem to suggest that the future of Israel will be that of a binational state. While this is not something most Israelis want, even many conservative Israelis have concluded it may be inevitable.

YMedad said...

Maybe, probably not. Search my blog for Yoran Ettinger and/or demography