Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Really Understanding

From the UK Guardian:-

Luxembourg's foreign minister, Jean Asselborn, told reporters: "I don't really understand why Israel does not accept that Palestine consists of the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem. The Israelis have a right to live in Israel; the Palestinians have a right to live in Palestine."
And from L'Express:

"Je comprends en fait difficilement qu'Israël n'accepte pas que la Palestine soit constituée de la Cisjordanie, de Gaza et de Jérusalem-Est", a dit le chef de la diplomatie luxembourgeoise Jean Asselborn.

That's him:

Some other words of his:

Le secteur oriental de Jérusalem "n'appartient pas à Israël", a affirmé lundi à Bruxelles le chef de la diplomatie luxembourgeois des Affaires étrangères, Jean Asselborn.

"Nous reconnaissons tous, dans les discours, que Jérusalem-Est est occupée. Et si elle est occupée, elle n'appartient pas à Israël", a-t-il dit, plaidant pour que les Européens et les Etats-Unis parlent "un langage clair". ('we all know that East Jerusalem is occupied and if it is occupied then it is not part of Israel' is my formulation)

Well, for sure it was occupied between 1949 and 1967 but did Europe care? Did Europe try to assure rights of Jews to visit the Western Wall as guaranteed? Did Europe protect synagogues from destruction, cemeteries from vandalism?

Oh, please. There is no such thing as an East Jerusalem except as a result of Arab aggression which sought to prevent a UN resolution from being implemented. That act was illegal and illegitimate. And the result, the partition of a unified city, cannot now be justified by a false claim of an Arab entity to redivide the city. Even the partition plan of November 29, 1947 envisioned a unified city from the outskirts of Ramallah to Bethlehem and south.

Understand? Comprendez-vous?


This should be contact details for Asselborn:

Pour tout renseignement supplémentaire, veuillez contacter:
Robert Steinmetz
E-mail: pressoffice@mae.etat.lu
Tél. mobile : +352 621 202 773
Tél. bureau : +352 2478 2447

1 comment:

Morey Altman said...

Astonishing, isn't it? I appreciate that not everyone has access to the internet but they do have books in Europe, right? Anyway, you KNOW I have a few thoughts on the subject of Jerusalem. ;)
