Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Klunking Kristof

Two letters in the NYTimes mocking Kristof's thinking and rationalizing ability, or lack thereof:-

To the Editor:

Re “Waiting for Gandhi,” by Nicholas D. Kristof (column, July 11):

Instead of all the theatrical media P.R., which Mr. Kristof applauds, the Palestinians could “change history” by sitting down to direct peace talks with the Israelis, fully prepared to negotiate and compromise.

Antonia Tamplin
New York,

To the Editor:

In the spirit of nonviolence, Nicholas D. Kristof, an ardent champion of women’s rights and welfare elsewhere in the world, imagines “1,000 women” allowing themselves “to be tear-gassed, beaten and arrested” with “hundreds more women marched in to replace those hauled away” as a public relations strategy for the Palestinians.

Wouldn’t it be better for the Palestinians to elect those “female pacifists” as their leaders who could then work with their Israeli counterparts to bring peace and security to both nations?

Stanley Caroff
Moorestown, N.J.

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