Monday, September 06, 2010

Can Israel Act Similarly?


I was wondering, if Spain can be so doubtful, can we?

Spain Dismisses Basque Truce Announcement

Spain’s interior minister said on Monday that he did not trust a cease-fire announcement from ETA, the Basque separatist group, dismissing speculation that the country’s long fight against terrorism had come to an end.

In a video and statement issued on Sunday, ETA said that it was observing a cease-fire, a decision that it claimed to have taken months earlier. However, ETA did not offer to hand over weapons, nor did it describe the cease-fire as permanent.

“We have not changed by an inch our stance because this is reversible,” Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, the minister, said in a morning interview on Spanish television, in what amounted to the first official government response to ETA’s announcement. “I don’t trust this one bit,” he added. “The only facts are that there is an ambiguous statement from ETA.”

Nothing is ever exactly comparable, but still...

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1 comment: said...

Really useful piece of writing, lots of thanks for your article.