Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On The Shiloh Fire

From Arutz 7:-

...a fire...threatened to wreak irreparable damage at the site of the Biblical era temple at Shiloh. The fire was sparked by a failure in electrical cables that were in use for maintenance work on Highway 60, the major north-south highway in Judea and Samaria. The Arabs, who were working on building projects at the adjacent town of Shiloh, joined the Jewish firefighters and battled thick smoke for two hours until they were able to overcome the fire.

It reached the site of the ancient Tabernacle, which served as the temporary Temple and stood for 369 years before being destroyed...The presence of Arabs, who risk their lives by even working for Jewish employers despite new Palestinian Authority legislation outlawing the practice, demonstrated the ability of both Jews and Arab to join forces, when not threatened by terrorist groups, Shiloh residents said.

...The fire burned bushes and shrubbery, but the firefighters, aided by a single fire truck, were able to save most of the trees in the area. The blaze spread quickly because the trees were still dry from the long and hot summer.

The volunteers used rubber brooms as the flames licked their feet and blistered their hands. One Jewish firefighter said, “This amazing experience serves as a reminder that given the chance, local inhabitants can overcome major obstacles working together...


Not the fire in Shiloh, Florida

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