Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Pal. Counter-claim on Summer Camps

The Pals. have finally come up with a counter to our campaign against those terror-for-kids summer camps they run (see here). And it is:

West Bank summer camps indoctrinate settler children in Arab deportation

From the story though:

“The settlements serve to implant settlers by all means in the West Bank,” he added. “These summer camps are just vocational training, nurturing a generation to carry on the flag. The agendas behind these camps are intellectual and practical.”

"summer camps for settler’s children in the West Bank, focusing on building settlements and singing religious songs."

"The youth learn in this camp the importance of settlements and the hard work and number of hours that go into building them in the Land of Israel.”

This is just so horrendous! Especially as no deportation appears, nor is indoctrination proved.

A sham.

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Juniper in the Desert said...

If Western govs. - US, EU continue to swallow these total lies, KNOWING they are lies, they will find very quickly their own lands completely tranformed into muslim countries!

Such transformations happen very quickly, especially when the forces of law and order are on the side of the invaders.

It is already happening here in the UK!

contactos valencia said...

This won't really have success, I believe this way.