Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Charge of Racism

The "Rabbis' Declaration" is accused of being a racist document.

What would you call this:

_______ is a movement of Israeli citizens who view _________________ as the only guarantee for the future, the security, and the character of the State of Israel.

Well, that bit about the "character of the State of Israel" really means the Jewish character.

So, who espouses that potentially racist goal?


Peace Now is a movement of Israeli citizens who view peace, compromise and reconciliation with the Palestinian people and the Arab states as the only guarantee for the future, the security, and the character of the State of Israel.

J Street's Jeremy Ben-Ami also is a partner to this view:

...what matters, too, is that Israel's leaders take the appropriate steps to ensure Israel's Jewish majority and character by urgently pursuing a two-state solution.

Now, what steps do you think we need to take to assure that Jewish character of the state?

Will these peaceniks not rent or sell property within the state to preserve matters after a withdrawal from Judea and Samaria? Are they so sure that the demographics will not be negative even then?

And if not, will they yield on the Jewishness factor? They won't be racist then or will they?

They act racistly against Jews, so why not against Arabs?

So, what is the essence in this situation - Jewishness or...?

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