Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mahmoud Abbas Has No Toleration

The head of the Palestinian Authority, again, displays religious intolerance, an unwillingness to coexist with Jews and exhibits the negative tendency of the so-called "Palestinian nationalism", what I term Palestinianism, to fabricate and misrepresent.

As reported:
Israeli settlers entering Temple Mount can't be tolerated: Abbas
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday that Israeli settlers must stop entering the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, official Wafa news agency reported [thanks to EOZ*].  "This is something that can't be tolerated," Abbas said during a meeting of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Earlier this month, Israel allowed Jewish groups to enter the Temple Mount to celebrate the 1967 reunification of Jerusalem, despite Palestinian protests.
The Jews who ascend are, in the main, not "settlers".  By labeling them as such, Abbas wishes, we can assume, to attach a stigma to the customs and obligations of Jews to respect our holy places.  If these people are "settlers", then they must be provocateurs, and violent.  And there is nothing of any "attack" against Al-Aqsa other than walking around and simply being present.  Other than being 'tourists', we Jews are prohibited by our own government and the police from displaying any form of religious expression, even reading from a Bible, and surely not praying.

He continued, and said that it is impossible to hold back:
"We cannot remain silent over such actions, nor can we accept their recurrence," Abbas said. "if Israel is dreaming as such daily attacks that attack the Al-Aqsa Mosque the holy sites can put concrete on the ground they are disillusioned."

He added, "Eastern Jerusalem is our capital city, Al-Aqsa belongs to us, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre belongs to us, and we will not accept [the Israelis’] harassment.”

And I see that even Tony Blair, special envoy of the Quartet, the Middle East peace mediators, joined in by 

urg[ing] Israel to respect worshipers' right to practice their religion and to freely access their religious sites.  "I am concerned over the rising tension in the holy places in Jerusalem and the scenes of violence that we witnessed during Easter," he said in a statement.

"Easter"?  Wasn't that Passover week?

In Arabic:

رام الله 12-5-2013 وفا- قال رئيس دولة فلسطين محمود عباس، إنه لا يمكن السكوت على الهجمات التي يتعرض لها المسجد الأقصى المبارك وأبناء شعبنا في الضفة الغربية من قبل الإسرائيليين، خاصة من قبل المستوطنين، والتي تزداد شراسة هذه الأيام.

وأضاف سيادته، في مستهل اجتماع اللجنة التنفيذية، مساء اليوم الأحد، بمقر الرئاسة في مدينة رام الله، 'أن مثل هذا العمل لا يمكن السكوت عليه ولا يمكن أن نقبل أن يستمر، وإذا كانت إسرائيل تحلم بأنها بمثل هذه الهجمات اليومية التي تهاجم فيها المسجد الأقصى المبارك يمكن أن تضع مواقع فعلية على الأرض فهي واهمة'.

وقال الرئيس، 'القدس الشرقية عاصمة لنا، والأقصى هو لنا، وكنيسة القيامة لنا، ولن نسمح لهم بكل هذه العربدات التي يقومون بها'.

وأضاف سيادته، 'نهيب بالدول العربية والإسلامية والمجتمع الدولي عامة أن يتحركوا لوقف هذه المآسي التي تقترف باسم الاحتلال الإسرائيلي'.

Ramallah 05/12/2013 (WAFA) - President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas, he can not be tolerated on the attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque and the sons of our people in the West Bank by the Israelis, especially by the settlers, which is getting fiercer these days.

The sovereignty, at the outset of the meeting of the Executive Committee, on Sunday evening, at the headquarters office in the city of Ramallah, 'that such an action can not be tolerated and can not accept to continue, and if Israel is dreaming as such daily attacks that attack the Al-Aqsa Mosque the holy sites can put concrete on the ground they are disillusioned. '

The president said, 'East Jerusalem as our capital, and Al-Aqsa is ours, and the Church of the Resurrection to us, and we will not allow them all these Arabdat, that they do.'

The sovereignty, 'we call upon the Arab and Islamic countries and the international community in general to act to stop these tragedies perpetrated in the name of the Israeli occupation.'

P.S.   And on the other hand, the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip on Monday warned that the repeated intrusions by groups of Israeli settlers to the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque "threatens religious war with Israel".

History of Jerusalem, a la Hamas: oh, minus the Jews

مدينة القدس: هي أولى القبلتين وثالث الحرمين الشريفين بعد مكة والمدينة، مسرح النبوات وزهرة المدائن، وموضع أنظار البشر منذ أقدم العصور. الموقع:تقع مدينة القدس في وسط فلسطين تقريبا إلى الشرق من البحر المتوسط على سلسلة جبال ذات سفوح تميل إلى الغرب والى الشرق. وترتفع عن سطح البحر االتأسيـس:إن أقدم جذر تاريخي في بناء القدس يعود إلى اسم بانيها وهو إيلياء بن ارم بن سام بن نوح عليه السلام -إيلياء أحد أسماء القدس- وقيل أن "مليك صادق" أحد ملوك اليبوسيين -وهم أشهر قبائل الكنعانيين- أول من اختط وبنى مدينة القدس وذلك سنة (3000 ق.م) والتي سميت بـ "يبوس" وقد عرف "مليك صادق" بالتقوى وحب السلام حتى أُطلق عليه "ملك السلام"، ومن هنا جاء اسم مدينة سالم أو شالم أو "أور شالم" بمعنى دع شالم يؤسس، أو مدينة سالم وبالتالي فان أورشليم كان اسماً معروفاً وموجوداً قبل أن يغتصب الإسرائيليون هذه المدينة من أيدي أصحابها اليبوسيين وسماها الإسرائيليون أيضا "صهيون" نسبة لجبل في فلسطين، وقد غلب على المدينة اسم "القدس" الذي هو اسم من أسماء الله الحسنى، وسميت كذلك بـ "بيت المقدس" الذي هو بيت الله.

 التوسـعة والإعمـار:
1- في عهد النبي سليمان عليه السلام اتسعت القدس، فبنى فيها الدور وشيد القصور وأصبحت عاصمة للدولة، امتدت من الفرات إلى تخوم مصر. ويعتبر هيكل سليمان أهم وأشهر بناء أثري ضخم، شيده الكنعانيون فيها ليكون معبداً تابعا للقصر.
2- قام الخليفة الثاني عمر بن الخطاب بعدة إصلاحات فيها.
3- سنة 72 هـ بنى عبد الملك بن مروان قبة الصخرة والمسجد الأقصى، وكان غرضه أن يحول إليها أفواج الحجاج من مكة التي استقر فيها منافسه عبد الله بن الزبير إلى القدس.
4- سنة 425 هـ شرع الخليفة الفاطمي السابع علي أبو الحسن في بناء سور لمدينة القدس بعد بناء سور الرملة، وفي العصر الفاطمي بني أول مستشفى عظيم في القدس من الأوقاف الطائلة.
5- سنة 651 هـ / 1253م وفي زمن المماليك غدت القدس مركزا من أهم المراكز العلمية في العالم الإسلامي.
6- سنة 1542 م جدد السلطان سليمان القانوني السور الحالي الذي يحيط بالمدينة القديمة والذي يبلغ طوله 4200 م وارتفاعه 40 قدماً.


Jerusalem: is the first kiblah and third holiest site after Mecca and Medina, prophecies Theatre and flower towns, and position of the eyes of humans since ancient times. Location: Located in the city of Jerusalem in the center of Palestine almost to the east of the Mediterranean on a series with the slopes tend Mountains to the west and to the east. And rising from the sea Aaltacis: The oldest root of the historic building Jerusalem back to the name of the builder is إيلياء bin toss bin Sam bin Noah, peace be upon him - إيلياء one of the names of Jerusalem - and was told that "Malik Sadiq," one of the kings of the Jebusites - they months tribes of the Canaanites - the first of charted and built the city of Jerusalem in the year (3000 BC)., which called "Jebus" has been defined, "Malik Sadiq" piety and love of peace so-called "King of Peace", hence the name of the city of Salem or Shalem or "Or Shalem" in the sense Let Shalem based, or the city of Salem and therefore, Jerusalem was a name known and existed before that usurps the Israelis this city from the hands of their owners Jebusites and called Israelis also "Zion," the proportion of a mountain in Palestine, has dominated the city the name of "Jerusalem," which is the name of the names of Allah, The so called "Jerusalem," which is the house of God.

Expansion and reconstruction:1 - in the era of Prophet Solomon, peace be upon him widened Jerusalem, built where the role and built palaces and became the capital of the state, stretching from the Euphrates to the border of Egypt. Solomon's Temple is considered the most important and famous archaeological huge building, built by the Canaanites to be a temple belonging to the palace.2 - The second Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab several reforms.3 - year 72 AH Bani Abdul Malik bin Marwan Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the purpose was to convert them pilgrims from Mecca where settled challenger Abdullah bin Zubair to Jerusalem.4 - 425 AH initiated the seventh Fatimid Caliph Ali Abu al-Hasan in building the wall of Jerusalem after the construction of the wall of Ramle, in the Fatimid era built the first great hospital in Jerusalem from huge endowments.5 - year 651 AH / 1253 AD At the time of the Mamluk Jerusalem has become a center of the most important scientific centers in the Islamic world.6 - Year 1542 new Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent current fence that surrounds the old city, with a length of 4200 m and a height of 40 feet.

And EOZ adds:

Keep in mind that during Jordan's brief period of sovereignty over the Old City, Jews were barred from praying not only on the Temple Mount but at the Kotel as well. Not Israelis - Jews.

This is the "status quo" that Abbas would consider ideal, along with a Judenrein Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron and a Tomb of Rachel that is converted into a mosque.

Yes, under any "peace plan" this most moderate of all Palestinian Arab leaders in history would grudgingly allow limited busloads of Jews to occasionally visit some specific sites for short periods of time, but inevitably those visits would cause riots and he would stop even this allowance. For "security" reasons.

Every clear thinking person knows that this is the best that can be expected under a Palestinian Arab state. Yet no "human rights" group seems to mind that freedom of religion for Jews would simply not be tolerated under the Palestinian Arab state they believe is the key to "peace."

And the Western media will refuse to publish that their "moderate" hero is openly lying about peaceful visits to Judaism's holiest site and trying to get them banned, today.


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